Agile UX for better usage
BBi Manager

BBi Communication Finland has delivered customized e-learning training to our health care sector client to help them to deliver customer service and patient communication in Swedish. During the beginning of the year we have worked on a client project to develop entirely their own e-learning content, starting from general phraseology and grammar, but going all the way to specific phrases and words used in their work environment.

In the design process, we consulted the clients working group on the content and usability through agile project methodology.As we wanted the content to give proper tools for the staff do develop their language skills in a fun way, elements of gamification, fast-paced multimedia content and audio repetition were used. Moreover, we worked closely together with the client to get everything as they wanted: the graphic materials, font sizes, user name it! During March, we will wrap up this bundle of joy, and hand it over to our client to be installed their own Moodle-environment, while we will be holding on to a safe CoP for updates and further developments.