My BBi Online
We continue to grow our digital language platform to offer you the best possible learning experience. Therefore, we have added two new Swedish online courses for our blended learning solutions which are now live – Svenska A0 and Svenska A1. Also, as of this year, we...
Agile UX for better usage
BBi Communication Finland has delivered customized e-learning training to our health care sector client to help them to deliver customer service and patient communication in Swedish. During the beginning of the year we have worked on a client project to develop...
BBi Communication qualified as IDI administrator
Did you know there is a tool to assess intercultural competence? The Intercultural Development Inventory®, IDI®, measures the capability to shift cultural perspective and appropriately adapt behaviour to cultural differences, a critical skill for anyone working across...
Kostnadsfritt webbinarium: Mångkulturella arbetsplatser – kulturmöten mellan svenskar, araber och muslimer
Arbetsplatser med kulturell mångfald är idag en verklighet för de flesta organisationer. Olika perspektiv är berikande, leder till nya idéer, kreativitet och har potential att öka en organisations konkurrenskraft. Mångfald av kulturella perspektiv på en arbetsplats...
Retos en Global Mobility: Cultural Agility
“Cultural Agility” es un ingrediente crucial para las organizaciones diversas e inclusivas, y especialmente en la elaboración de sus programas de movilidad internacional. Únete a los expertos de BBi Communication y Sterling Lexicon el próximo 28 de octubre en un...